Don't make learning Spanish harder than it needs to be.

Listen to your favorite classic novel while following along to an audio synced original transcript with both Spanish and English.

How It Works

  • Exposure

    To truly understand a language, you need to be exposed to tons of words in context at a frequent pace. Dive into Español is faster than spaced-repetition systems, you'll be subconciously exposed to the same words and their definitions over and over again.

  • Comprehensible Input

    See the English equivalent of what you are hearing so you are able to understand easily.

  • Enjoy

    Learning is easy when you are enjoying your lesson. The #1 reason why people quit is because they have to force themselves to study. Stop fighting yourself and do what you enjoy.

Never Stop Learning

  • 33 Classic Novels
  • 500+ hours of audio
  • 4,205,000+ Words
  • 100% Audio Synced Highlighting

With a vast library of novels to choose from,
you'll never run out of content to enjoy.

Try it for free!

Dive into one of your favorite classic novels right now.
You'll be amazed at how easy and enjoyable mastering Spanish can be!

Novels included

Alicia en el País de las Maravillas (Alice in Wonderland)

Anna Karenina

Crimen y Castigo (Crime and Punishment)

David Copperfield


El Conde de Montecristo (The Count of Monte Cristo)

El Extraño Caso del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde (The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)

El Hombre Invisible (The Invisible Man)

El Llamado de la Selva (The Call of the Wild)

El Mago de Oz (The Wizard of Oz)

El Principito (The Little Prince)

El Retrato de Dorian Gray (The Picture of Dorian Gray)


Guerra y Paz (War and Peace)

Historia de Dos Ciudades (A Tale of Two Cities)

La Isla del Dr. Moreau (The Island of Dr. Moreau)

La Isla del Tesoro (Treasure Island)

La Letra Escarlata (The Scarlet Letter)

La Maquina del Tiempo (The Time Machine)

La Metamorfosis (The Metamorphosis)

La Vuelta al Mundo en 80 Días (Around the World in Eighty Days)

Las Aventuras de Huckleberry Finn (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)

Las Aventuras de Tom Sawyer (The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)

Las Aventuras de Oliver Twist (The Adventures of Oliver Twist)

Las Aventuras de Sherlock Holmes (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes)

Moby Dick

Mujercitas (Little Women)

Orgullo y Prejuicio (Pride and Prejudice)


Peter Pan

Robinson Crusoe

Sentido y Sensibilidad (Sense and Sensibility)

Veinte Mil Leguas de Viaje Submarino (Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea)